Important information
We offer support from the specialist workers via email. We will respond to your email within 48 hours (Monday to Friday).
When you email us it’s very important that you specify when and if it is safe to respond and to which email address. We can only offer limited information by email as we don’t have the resources to provide on-going support or in-depth information in this way.
Please note we cannot respond to emails by telephone as safety may be compromised.
Safeguarding children
MK Act is clear that even if a child is not being directly hurt, witnessing physical, verbal and emotional abuse can have a serious detrimental effect on him/her. MK Act aims to give each adult space to explore his/her options and support them to make safe choices for their children.
However, if we consider a child is at risk we have a duty to take appropriate action to minimise the risk of harm. This may include working with a man/woman to contact Children’s Services or, where necessary, making a referral ourselves.
Email us on [email protected]